A deposit is required at the time of your booking.
For non-credit card holders, please contact us directly.

Updated 1st April 2022
Changes to the Covid 19 Protection Framework
New Zealand is currently under level RED.
From the 4th of April, we will no longer need to site customers' My Vaccine Passports. Everyone is welcome.
Customer and staff safety is always at our front of mind.
In order to keep you safe we will ensure:
All customers will be physical distancing to at least 1m.
All staff will be tested regularly and will wear a mask at all times when working.
Our team will be cleaning and sanitising in line with our health and safety protocols.
Our customers will be required to:
Wear a mask at all times
Sanitise your hands on arrival
Arrive at your appointment alone - to ensure we are able to carry out physical distancing.
If you are a close contact, unwell or have symptoms including fever, cough, sneezing, running nose, or sore throat, contact us to reschedule your appointment.
We will continue to display QR codes at our door, however, it is no longer a legal requirement to scan in.
For further information and government updates, please visit: COVID-19 Protection Information
Thank you.